Monday, July 27, 2009

Zombie processes in ASE

When you do not have the row in sysprocesses but you do have in
syslocks that is zombie  lock ( i.e. phantom lock )
You will need to either recycle ASE server or use  dbcc . If you are
using  ASE 12.5.4 or later version , you can try using 'dbcc

A phantom [lock] is when there is an entry in syslocks for
a spid,  but the spid does not exist in sysobjects (phantoms
have no body, just cast a shadow).  Phantom locks are usually
due to bugs in process cleanup in the ASE. 

When you do not have the row in sysprocesses but you do have in
syslocks that is zombie  lock ( i.e. phantom lock )
You will need to either recycle ASE server or use  dbcc . If you are
using  ASE 12.5.4 or later version , you can try using 'dbcc

A phantom [lock] is when there is an entry in syslocks for
a spid,  but the spid does not exist in sysobjects (phantoms
have no body, just cast a shadow).  Phantom locks are usually
due to bugs in process cleanup in the ASE. 


Anonymous said... November 9, 2012 at 6:21 AM

Also you can have zombie processes when you have multiple maint users from rep server, you should have ONE maint user per replicate database, if you see more than one you are in troubles

Miguel C. (Mexico)

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